Noah Levine Meditate And Destroy
...... well, it was a noisey punk rock movie. Noah Levine was your typical generic punk guy walking the streets all tattooed, driving a 64 chevy then a harley..... LOOK AT ME LOOK AT ME.the audience was a mix of nice people with thier spouses. and i bet most where not expecting and hour of the graphic SELF DESTRUCTION that this character put himself through. prison, suicide attempts, punk, and ohh yes boozin and drugs. BOOZIN and DRUGS that make it so easy to quench the stupid pain that some of us hold inside our minds. "some of us" ....... I know alot of you folks have no problem with life and everyday is a happy day. a happy day as you watch the news or go down to the skatepark and watch the gangsters wheel and deal thier drugs then beat someone down. or a group of homeless crusty punks make a huge mess of broken beer bottles. garbage and graphitti.happy folks... you know the type. sorry ..... back to the movie. Noah of coarse never found Buddahism at an early age but the seed was planted.... HIS DAD HAD ALREADY MADE THE SAME MISTAKES in the sixties and that was the way he survived it. So one day on a prison phone Noah's dad made him meditate. Passed it on to his son. And it worked for this doode. so he wrote a book and got some more tatttoos and then they made a movie about it. but thats not all Noah did.... he started shareing his expierences with others. helping others. talking in the youth prisons and more. got out of his head and ..... shared his story.... and he found peace.BAD RELIGION.... so what is it? I'm sure alot of punks won't give this movie a moments notice because we have been programed that any kind of spiritual thing is religion.... and just look at the news and all this religious shit! spiritual and religion are different. but don't try to figure it out because thats when it gets complicated. we the humans!the movie never really dug into the Buddahism thing but it did dig into the troubled human thing. I think if it helps someone survive all the stupid shit in thier head then "Thats what this movie is about" It had some good messages in it. Forgivess, peacefulness, Love.... WOW, who wants that?I think i would rather head on down to a "Lesbien Fist Magnet" show and get fucked up! YEAH.
Love -ricky