Wednesday, July 09, 2008

Ode to Willow May 14 2008 The Victoria Police where taken to court for wrongfully handling a DRUNK and unruly 15 year old girl named Willow. The girl was rewarded 60000 dollars! Holy crap! 18 years ago the police handled my little brother who was drunk and unruly. He had a knife and the police shot him dead. Thank GOD, Willow didn’t have a knife eh! Ohhh wait they now use tazers and pepper sprays to subdue out of control drunk people. By the way there was no 60000 dollar settlement in my little brothers case. I understand some cops are big JOCKS that want to be part of the toughest gang in town… The police force. Not a job for the weak. But it boils down to this fuckin booze that the government sells… it makes some people drunk and unruly! Or it boils down to maybe Willow shouldn’t drink? I heard Willow on the radio say she didn’t do it for the money. I wonder if she will donate the money to a good cause like a crisis center for women or a youth center for troubled kids??? Probably not but I wonder if she will party tonight! If we where all good to each other we wouldn’t need the damb COPS.
I just wanted to say not all cops are in your face bullys. I have had to deal with a #1 officer in regards to issues with my family.... and the one evening i stood in my yard discussing an issue (or one of many issues) regaurding my son, the officer was #1. Although The young jock looking cop that he had with him stood there with his arms crossed with that expressionless stare.... but you know what.... I did enough blabbin and that stone cop did crack a smile and a laugh. I even think he licked his lips and winked at me!!! It must have been all my tattoos and my FTW t-shirt!!trevor corey My little brother was shot in Edmonton. The cop who shot him aparently has never been the same. I forgive him.Seriously I can't ever imagine beeing a cop. A job where everyone hates you untill they need you. I think they wouldn't have to drive people face first into the ground if everyone would just stay calm. But hey they do have a career presentation on May 22 at 6:00 @ 2881 Nanaimo st in Victoria... maybe beazlbub would like to try to make the difference. BUT WHAT ABOUT WILLOW!!!! I do realize this kinda treatment is tragic on a 15 year old girl and i hope she can live in peace and happieness... but will she do anything positive with all that money? again I say Not all cops are bad and i on the other side of the coin NOT ALL PEOPLE WHO DRINK GET UNRULEY DRUNK!have a good day....
I like this post. I think that we are spoiled by our cops when you compare the things that go on in other countries.
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