Too much with even bigger potential. I think its time for some more women to take to the wheels and go a few rounds. Now I had a blast. I was that loudmouthed heckler in the crowd! Those women went round the track feeling the place out. The sold out crowd was maximum and even more. It was the first and I think some carpet was laid for an even better event next time. It was my first time at seeing live roller derby so I really didn’t know what to expect come to think of it this was my first time seeing roller derby ever. Except for the beginning of the Highlander movie… wait that was Wrasling.
Now I guess if I wanted to see broken bones and blood I should go see “The Bloody Bettys Burlesque”. These girls where all padded up to allow for a safe impact on the floor. Bashin and bruising, double bangers, hip check, and bring the point girl around with a whip. I’m still a little foggy on the rules. Down she goes on her knees for a quick prayer and then she’s back up and merging in the pack for another bump. Ohhh there goes another girl on all fours and she’s spinnig a couple o 360’s almost into the crowd. The pack evens out and the girls a shoulder checkin like a drunk biker with-out rear view mirrors.
It was fun but I just wanted to say the TOOOO COOL crowd was just a little toooo conservative. O.K. the crowd had lots of tattoos and good looking people…. You know the kind. But most of them just sat there and looked cool…. Liven Up a little. Part of the experience is the crowd energy. If I hadn’t brought my daughter along to wolf howl and ky-yi-yi with me I would have had to just sit there like the tough lookin greaser beside me.
Good times though.
-ricky JaK
Labels: Roller Derby
thanks rick..
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