The year was 1982 and my friend and I took the bus downtown to see the Subhumans. On this bill was a band from Los Angeles... this band was called Black Flag. The hall was packed with punks and the likes who seemed to come out of the woodwork. Local bands opened the show and then these dirty guys took to the stage and began to execute music of a power that was like nothing I had never seen in my life. I was scared and the singer looked like he was going to kill someone. After Black Flags set the Subhumans seemed weak.
Fast forward some 25 years later and I'm heading down to a small pub to watch a mock band that plays food oriented covers of Black Flag. This band is called Black Flab... these are big boys and needless to say their set included bags of food... from KFC chicken to McDonalds to angel food cake.... the stage was a mess. Lets back up a bit to the opening bands.... uhhh I missed Mr Plow's set so I really have nothing on this performer. The next band was the Sweathogs, who again played a brash of mariuanna songs to punk music. Not my dime bag but the dancfloor liked them and they played untill they had to finally leave the stage and go outside to smoke-up. This was a good thing considering they probably would have the munchies and Black Flab had lots of food to hand out. I was outside yackin and quickly returned into the pub to see Black Flab wolloping out the old hits. Thirsty and Miserable, Six Pack.... I couldn't contain myself and made my way to the front of the stage skankin and singing along. After awhile I realized I was singing the wrong lyrics to this glutton smeared set. The lead singer "Oh Henry Rollins".... no "Jelly Rollins" was sporting tattoos of pizzas and donuts. The guitar player goes by the name Greg Chin, the drummer Blobo, and the bass player Chunk Dukowski are all twizzler names to the original members. Thier songs where changed so every time I was singing along I realized as I sang "Rise Above" they where singin "the fries are up"... when I sang "Fix Me" they sang "Feed Me" and so on. Needless to say they sounded quite good and close to the real thing. There was some weight being thrown around and if your into fat this band is for you. The drummer is actually the skinniest of the band and after the show I saw him wandering around and complaining that he only got one piece of chicken. This was fun but it would probably make the original band sue them all the way to Jenny Craig. Rumour has it that this band is trying too hook up with the American band the Misfats for a tour. The question is will their be enough money so these bands can have their own catering van for the tour.
25 years later these huge guys took to the stage and began to consume food of a power that was like nothing I had ever seen before. I was hungry and the singer looked like he was going to eat someone. After Black Flabs set I was nautious and I felt weak!
-ricky jak
thanks eric..
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