PUnK AtTitUDE a film by Don Letts
At a time when there is a ton o info on punk music and the history of what the hell happened.... a movie by Don Letts sneaks in. Man oh Man this is one documentary that should be watched if your at all interested in music that the fuckin Radio never payed attention to. Punk Rock... I just finnished watching the first disc of this two DVD set and i am so riled that i will have to rest before i watch the second disc. Holy shit.... this film digs deep into MC5, Velvet Underground, New York Dolls, and ..... ThE STOOGES! Then you go to New YorK for some Ramones and Dictators, and bang your in England getting your face made up with what was going on there. The people telling the story are the people who where there..... i just think this is one of the best documentarys I've seen in awhile.... It exposes alot of history. Henry Rollins and Jello Biafra breath into what happened in the US... ohhh yes and holy shit again.... 1hr13mins into the film if you look to the left of the stage you get a brief moment to see Gregg Ginn work his guitar! Then Bad Brains, Minor Threat, Agnostic Front! and on...... Then it seems to take a pause in the late eighties and they seem to say they don't really know what was happening.... any guesses?.... This is where Don Letts looses a point in his doc.... The late eighties punk was beeing fusioned by METAL.... but yet again thats a whole nother gun that has been studied by.... uhhhh Victorias Sam Dunn. And yes its not really Punk orrr is it?. The early nineties and ending the documentary they talk about Nirvanna... and what the masses want. Big record companies and money honey. The punk world evolved into Blink 182.... Greenday.... Rancid. These bands have the clout how come they are still letting Bush run thier country? The movie ends with saying.... "For Joe Strummer"
p.s. PuNk changed my life.... it said it was o.k. to write with only grade ten english... oh yeah and FucK You.
HAAAAAAAAPPPYYY BIRTHDAY!! we were in limbo with no computer so we missed it!! I hope you enjoyed it, and your cake!! They better have bought you a good one!!
oh, and holy crap, an update!!
HAAAAAAAAPPPYYY BIRTHDAY!! we were in limbo with no computer so we missed it!! I hope you enjoyed it, and your cake!! They better have bought you a good one!!
oh, and holy crap, an update!!
sorry for the two comments for some reason it spazzed out...TOTALLY not my fault.
if you haven't already heard, we're closer again, so we'll be meeting at the hit to pass again this year wit choo
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