live vic...hmmmmm lots of response on this one eh... There's a whole new metal crowd that have never heard of Mission of Christ? what about Armorous? or Tantrum... these bands where all breaking ground on the hum drum Heavy Metal rock music scene that the masses where into back then. but shittttt that was near twenty years ago. now if you asked which is the better Motley Crue album.... there would be a whole SOFA full of bic lighter flickin folks responding to this thing.... hmmmm. Mission of Christ and Armorous where on the Victoria forefront of Speed Metal! but like many they never made it past the Underground. Lookin back.... these bands live shows where insane! And very powerfull! Vancouver had Karrion, Blasphamy, Fratricide..... ahhhh Now the #1 for me in this kinda genra was BEYOND POSSESSIONS from Calgary! Not to dismiss the USA... they had the first Metallica album, and better still Suicidal! These bands all got lots of play on my record player and tapedeck... Still i consider myself a big Mission of Christ Fan and i had the luck of beeing at most of thier Live Shows... they used to blow the basement doors off the Rats Nest... and blast the tables over at the Harpos Caberet! I saw them play at the Kennedy Hall in Surrey and that WAS a scarey gathering of lower mainland metal Heads!which demo is better is a question thats hard to answer because i recon Griph and only a few others actually have this music. Steve McBean needs to be contacted and maybe these demos need to be re-released.... or maybe judging by the response to this message Silence in the grave is all there has to be! "I Was The Road Crew".... -roadie for MOC -ricky Jak
p.s. this is my last post for 2007... Happy New Year
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