I was washing my daughters hair, and mentioned to her how good the shampoo smelled. I then asked her why the word poo was in shampoo and why it doesn't smell like poo. Kids love poo.
My other daughter's friends were sitting in the van and we started bantering about who the real fathers of all the kids where. I then got labeled as beeing my daughters freinds real mother. I said yes it was true and thats why she smelled like poo because i couldn't birth her out of my vagina because i didn't have one.... i birthed her out of my bum. Kids love poo.
I saw that old postage stamp ad on TV about famous Canadians. This was the the add on the man who wrote the first Winnie the Poo story and how the author and his little son where at the zoo checking out a bear. The scene is of the boy telling his dad how he should call the bear POO. It's funny how they don't turn the camera onto the bear.... i can only imagine the load of paste coming out of the back of the bear at that time.
Jan 14.... daily reflextion and start of disiplined writing exersice. I don't know why this is the days topic but it is. Cheers -ricky
kids and everyone love poo, everyone poops, we should embrace poo, we should make cakes of poo, stuffed animals of poo and toilet seat covers with a poo theme....check check and check, done em all. I guess I never stopped loving poop.
I saw the 40th birthday cake you made for me... wasn't it POOOOO
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