my never ending struggle with god
wow beev.... notice 236 people like this post. and 52 people commented on this post. that says something. i used to drink to be social and i always ended up by myself.... it just doesn't work for some. i don't know whats been going on with your drinking/druggin but i can say if you want to live a life of feeling better you gotta work for it. it ain't easy. You know where i go to keep my rad life, you do.... but i have to believe in god or a higher power to be me. notice 236 people like this post and 52 people commented on this post= my god or higher power. you can do it with the help of all those friends! I'm jealous because i don't think i have ever had 236 people like something i posted on facebook. looks like your god is bigger than my god, maybe we should go to war!..... anyway if you wanna skate sixside/vic west on sunday, or go where i go.... call me. Happy Birthday (this message is not affiliated with christian, muslim, jewish, buddahist, or any other type of structured path/teaching to feeling better) i prefer to keep it simple because i'm stupid!