Line Traps, and The Tubuloids at Talks Cheap recordstore Aug 7 2013
I really had no idea how the people were going to fit into this tiny record store to see live bands. The street outside looked like a place you just didn't want to be. The scene was booze drinkin, smokin, people riding skateboards and weird old men in JP Patches covered clown vest's. I am a surfer and a fan of surf music so I tied my Sitka hoodie up tight and braved the bad environment to see this new surf band called The Tubuloids.
Someone came out on the street and said the first band was starting and the crowd jammed into the upper loft of the store to watch a band called the Line Traps. I found a spot beside a speaker and was excited to see the band had two female member and one male member. I always like to see women in rock. This band started out with a ton of technical difficulties and I almost left. Then I realized I couldn't leave because there was no way out, the crowd that followed me blocked the exit. Shit, this really wasn't good and I got the feeling this wasn't going to be like the Jack Johnson surf type show I'm so accustomed to. The buzz of guitar started, the purple haired drummer began chopping away and this noise called the Line Traps began. OMG I really wanted out and the rude singer put his back to the audience and started yelling out his songs. They played and the crowd pulsed back and forth to the punk music. I had no idea what to think and then the bass players amplifier started to smoke with a horrible smell of burning wires..... I realized the Line Traps had just lured the crowd into a DEATH TRAP! As quickly as it started it was over and the sweaty crowd spilled out into the street, thank God, for some much needed air.
I walked down the street and got a chai-latte at the Solace Cafe. I was feeling done but for some reason I felt compelled to return and see The Tubuloids. I finished my tea and marched back up to the show. The tone was right as the guitar player started his riff. Yeah man.... "WIPE OUT" Blow up palm trees and pink flamingos skirted the band, I was ready for some Beach Boys! Then I realized I had just put myself into the same dangerous situation. Yes the Tubuloids had a surf/rock-a-billy sound but it was played fast. I was quite amazed at the drummer who's beats reminded me of Quinton Tarantino's Pulp Fiction meets Motorhead. One question that entered my mind as this band went off was why are the old clown vested men in the crowd fighting each other? The dance floor became a slippery mess of wine and beer and the dancers jigged and chicken danced until they fell into a pile. The Tubuliods and the people that dance to them..... really don't have that nice surf feel to them. The spectacle was unbelievable and if the police had showed up there would have been trouble. Trauma is one emotion I felt and the next day I did an extra hour of yoga.
Peace and Love -Mary surf-sista