Remember when men actually had Rock music blasting out of their cars and trucks. Well I slipped this new Airbourne disc into the CD player of my mini van and my wife looked at me and said “Hasn’t this music been done.” My reply was “Yes and it’s high time it was done again.”
The dudes in the record store who sold me this CD said it was the new AC/DC cd that hadn’t been released yet. The sound is defiantly Australia 1980 and although it has all the riffs of AC/DC it has all the vocals of Angry Anderson of Rose Tattoo. It’s a kicker and it is unmistakably Australian!
The Cds quick, clean, heavy and short but when you’re done blasting it your neck is sore and you have stomped a hole in your floorboards. It’s refreshing to hear something like this again. Straight forward rock that makes you want to have a few drinks and light a big fire in your front yard.
I pull up to an intersection and look over at the guy in the car beside me. His car is going “Boom Boom, Yo Yo, Muthuh,” What happened to men? It’s time to turn the Rap oFF and turn up the Rock again. This Airbourne is just the CD to do it. Too bad I was driving a mini van.
-ricky JaK