welllll you lot. I totally had a good time. I'll do my darndest to do a report for the Absolute Underground newspaper.... i haven't been into writing lately but the Invasion took me back to a time when ...... ahh shit, it was fuckin real, real people partying, let not kid ourselves here, Shiny and I didn't grow up at a time when retro was IN so even though we all try to keep up with the latest trends in cars... and all of you are doin a fuckin amazing job, the cars where way sick. Poor Jerome (surly drunk) Deighton used to wander the car shows by himself lookin like a greaser and listening to rock-a-billy.... Shiny and I where common motorheads... Shinys mullett love for mopars and my love for low chevys... with mirror paint jobs not this primer shit! but that was back in the eighties! AND at the Invasion i got that old eighties feeling that i used to get going to pit parties in Sooke. I met people i hadn't seeen for years... Sooke people, Lanford people, Racecar people, bikers. I met people who reminded me of my hot rod heritage... people who told me about my dad and his cars back in the 50's & 60's... (Thanks to that man with the 49 ford, and it was an honor to meet that man)...The music was so great and even though i missed half of it ...(damb i missed the MAGS!) but Dirt Fella restored my faith in the borderline rock i so frequently dismiss... they where great and the crowd loved themmmm. And The SlipJacks... baby baby baby. The crowd was real (300+?) and i have been reclused in my little trendy bars and nightclubs standin and stompin in the corner.... i so forget there is other venues to go and see music... and a pit party is where its the most real for me... and the Invasion reminded me of this!love him or hate him... THANKS brother Shiny and all who participated!!!love -ricky jak
nice post!
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