Skate B Exposed! Skater B.... MXer. Yes already I have broke the rules of conformity and decided to expose a BMXer instead of a skater in my ABCDE-Z of skaters.. Why you may ask? Well as I was standing on the side of the bowl waiting for my turn to drop in, a doode sailed into the air torqued his handlbars and contorted a way stylin flight over my head on a BMX. Airtime I have yet to see a skater accomplish in the old loco bowl. On other occasions I watched this biker pull off sick tricks that I thought were impossible to do on a bike. Fakie = going straight up the transition then coming straight back down riding backwards. Handplant = coming up the transition and transferring into the bowl via grabbing the coping with his hand. To see it is way better then my lame descriptions. After some more awe I figured the underground world had to be exposed to Skater B! Who is he and what makes him so siiiiick!
R Jak. Name, age, rank, and gender preference?
Skater B-MX. My name is Clayton Rye, I'm 19, I'm a BMXer from HeLL, and gimme my Chicks you sick old cowboy.
R Jak. What were your first wheels?
Skater B-MX. I did start out on a skateboard when I was 9-11 years old but soon found the ground felt better on two wheels. My first bike was a Mosh Schooled back then.
R Jak. Who where/are your inspirations?
Skater B-MX. Mostly local riders although I do get something from the pros like Van Homen, Mike Aitken and Gary Young they are some of my gurus of Freestyle BMXing.
R Jak. BMX freestyle has a lingo of its own. List me some of your favorite tricks and the trick that makes you almost pee yourself?
Skater B-MX. Well I like to turn down, invert, lookbacks, bar spins, foot jam, and 180 spins. That’s what they are called but if you want to see these tricks just come and watch. The trick I hate is the tail whip airs, they always freak me out and make me mad.
R Jak. What is your true love terrain and do you ever race?
Skater B-MX. Just gimme some bowl and tranny. The street also supplies endless possibilities, I do enjoy a good dirt jump but the BMX racing scene isn't really my thing.
R Jak. I see you sportin an I-Pod sometimes during your flight pattern, what kinda music helps with lift-off?
Skater B-MX. Ohhh mostly heavy rock. Led Zep, Pink Floyd, the good old stuff gets me pumped.
R Jak. What kind of liquid do you prefer to put in your body?
Skater B-MX. That’s a weird question… I’m all over the Energy Drinks… but I am 19 so all I can say is.. BEER.
R Jak. , Give us an Injury report.
Skater B-MX. Man, where to start, dislocated toes and fingers, fractured ankle, knee damage, multiple concussions… But hey I feel pretty good today, a little sore maybe.
R Jak. Do you barge or wait your turn?
Skater B-MX One of the good things about V-Dub is you never have to barge. It’s all a pretty good pecking order here. So I don’t barge.
R Jak. Give us the name of your favorite equipment and what shops in town treat you best. Obviously not a lot of local shops have seen you ride here or they all would be treatin you good eh?
Skater B-MX True I guess, I am a big fan of S&M bike frames and the rest of my gear is a mix of stuff I can get for good deals. ONE SIX on Shelborne St are the shop that treats me the best.
R Jak Are you a lone wolf of do you have a crew to ride with?
Skater B-MX. We are the V-Dub Riders and all good friends; I ride this park with Harley, PK, Matt, Andrew, Justin, and Peter L just to name a few. Mob rules never alone.
R Jak. O.K Clayton just one last question … “Do you like your milk in a bag?”
Skater B-MX. Ahhhh I usually get it in a carton.
So AU readers that’s Skater B EXPOSED! He spends plenty of time down at V-Dub… so girls head on down and swoon over him and bike shops… don’t sleep on sponsoring one of the most extreme riders I have ever seen! Clayton Ryerson must be seen to be believed. Just when you think you should call an ambulance…. Clayton lands it! Faaack YEAH! Stay tuned for next issue when I expose SKATER C…. someone’s mom or ?-ricky jak
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