Tegan & Sara at the McFearson theater. Feb 3 2004
What the hell was i doin at something like this??? An old scumbag punk like myself landed two tickets to this show and i knew nothing about this music. A twinkle in my wifes eye said get a babysitter and lets go check this theater event out.... it'll be fun.
Well ifn i was a few years younger i might have noticed the large crowd of beutiful women that was at this show... but i didnt. It made me wonder if this was maybe a lesbien show.... No... it was a alt-folk/pop concert man, a pop concert! Tegan & Sara- The livevic website totes them as alt-folk. O.K. These twin girls hail from Calgary and have a handfull of music under thier belts to show. 4-5 CDs worth. The merch lady says theys gettin good radio play too.
So now we have a venue like the McFearson.(sp) with a sitting only situation. Yikes.... music is for dancin ain't it? The crowd was well behaved and i smelled no stinky smoke or saw anyone being bounced out for being too drunk. Infact nearly everyone stayed in thier seats and just enjoyed the music. The big headed guy sitting in front of me never moved once the whole show... i wanted to smack him to see if he was alive.
The first band was a three piece called Lindy. Acoustic guitar ridden vocals leading into full finished endings kikin in with a red headed bass player and drummer. The lights really added emo to this band and one time i'm sure the bass player and drummer where whoooed to tears in the blue light as the front man sang his song. This was nice music and the singer is from Victoria. I think of acoustic guitars mostly being played in front of liquor stores..... so if Lindy was playing infront of a liquor store it would be a more classy one like the one in Oak Bay. They were good. (remeber i'm just an old punk eh)
The crowd started screaming and cheering as the Tegan & Sara band took to the stage. Whew these are good lookin sisters and thier music is as equally good sounding. There is a sea of girl bands out there but for some reason these girls had a little something to make them be noticed a bit more. Face it ....this was a sell-out show so they must be doing something wright musically. I did enjoy them and thier between song banter did make me laugh a little. It was good and they played to a more than satisfied crowd that cheered so loud inbetween songs that i had to plug my ears. This is just the start of thier tour and i'm sure they will have a bigger fan base when the tour is over.
In closing i will be returning to my safe dancefloor this weekend when the Dayglo Abortions take to the stage and dancing isn't governed by people with mics in their ears. Alt-folk/pop is good but sometimes anarcy is better.
-ricky jak
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