Thursday, May 25, 2006

Cannibal Corpse …Kill cd review

Thrash em death em gore em and kill em all. At first listen I wasn't happy with the money I had spent because I’m kinda new to this type of metal. I'm not a fan of the growling grunting vocals; I grew up in the arms of Dio so I like a good operatic wail. After a few listens I started warn up to George Corpsegrinder singin. Cannibal Corpse start out full blast and don't let up thought this whole CD. At times I felt I couldn't breathe and was being attacked by a swarm of hornets. The songs are all scary spurts of suffering death, necrosadisism, nails thought the neck, bludgeoning, revenge, brain removal, boiling flesh, and misery. If their is a God I’m sure he has nothing to do with Cannibal Corpse. It is worth a listen and if your in a rush to get to or from your cushy government job putting this CD in your player will help! I arrived home from my job and turned this new Cannibal Corpse off in my walkman head. I entered the back door I noticed inside my house was still and quiet. I let out some loud growling grunts just like Corpsegrinder. I could hear the returned similar, but higher pitched, call of my youngest hatchling in her room. I walked down the hall and entered her room to see she had her toy dog lying on a table. Play dough formed into intestines were spilling out of a rip in the toys belly. She looked up at me and said she was playing autopsy. I closed my eyes and prayed this was only a hallucinated result of too much Cannibal Corpse. -ricky jak


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