Motley Crue Apr 2006 SOFA Victoria
I don't know where to start.
I went with some of the most hardcore punk rockers from 1980-84. These guys used to search & destroy.
First off how the hell can you be someone named Vince Niel and get away with calling that many people "Motherfuckers"? If you where in a bar and called someone that... especialy if you where dressed in the pansy gear Motley Crue wear.... you would for sure be callin an ambulance.
And Yessss the sound was horrible! It usually took a few minuits to decifer what song was playin. Which was shitty for me because i only know maybe 2-3 Crue songs. I never bought into that type of Glam rock. So I waited the whole night for them to play "Welcome to the Jungle" and it freakin ends up that song isn't even a Crue song.
So now we have women crawling around on stage with nearly nothing on.... midgets tied up getting whipped. "Oh Hi, yes i'm a professional dancer... i dance around and rub my vagina on Vince Niel, other girls faces and ropes and spark making devices" Then the titty cam!!! What happened to the Dicky Cam this band really wants? But man does your mom have nice breasts!
Now the pyro show was cool... i want some of those flamethrowers for my backyard! Those loud explosions in between the odd noise that was supposed to be a song scared the Depends off me!
Then Tommy Lee. Runs around and swears and then then does some sort of techno rap peter pan thing that looks more like a Jane Fonda work out gone wrong. I kept waiting for him to start singin "Thank you very much a Mister Roboto."
But hey if I was a Crue Fan and Tommy phoned me and asked if i could play drums for him... I would be HIGH as a kite..... real proof that you don't need drugs to have a good time. My hat goes off to WILL HUNT. That must be the ultimate for any fan. From what i could see he was doin a great job!
I did enjoy the atmosphere of a live show that big... and yes the place is full of chairs and no-one used them! Stand up and flick your bic man! It would have been a good night to do B&E's in Langford because most of that municipality was at the SOFA..... including the COPS.
And Hey did you hear they arrested twice as many people at the Hilary Duff concert compared to the Crue show.... Bad boys of rock eh.
Anyway the show was at a near end and the encore was an old punk Classic called Anarchy in the UK. I looked over at the old punks i came with and saw them sitting on the chairs yawning. Then after a few minits of decifering the old dudes stood up and started belting out every word to this great old Sex Pistols song.
The light came on and as we left i found a toonie on the floor.... "F@ck Yeah!" What a great ending to the night!
-ricky jak
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