Rod Iron Haulers, Switchblade Valentines, Slim Jim @ Logans Oct 14 2005
I arrive to a sidewalk full of supporters. I spot Big B and wander over for some chit chat and while he has a smoke I have a dip of my fave Copenhagen (the stuff that has made grown men projectile vomit for years). Another group of grease heads show up, one of those FOoLS Car Club guys named Butcher and his mainland friend Bad Pat. Bad Pat comes over to say hi and my Girl Coen JaK quickly backed me up incase it got bad..... who knows with a name like Bad Pat! I had it under control because I already had my mini-shiv exposed for him to see. He backs away and says he's come to the Island just for the women. We shake hands and he carries on. I spot my TeaM (Jaks) and skip over to hang, Blind Marc had been drinking since 1982 so he was pretty much half in the bag along with the other handful of serious skateboard team members. I finally made it to the door to go in and the doorman asks me if I had been in before? I told him I had been here lots of times. He then told me he meant tonight... because they are sold out! WOW.... what to do now? I located the lead singer for the Valentines and asked him if he had any pull and could smuggle me and a few fiends in? He winked and put us on the guest list. Thanks Mr. R.P. Fogerty... but we still had to wait till someone left before we got in... WOW. Just then another street tribe known as the SHOV showed up and got in the line up..... huhhh a team of skateboard clowns and a group of skinheads waiting outside to get into Logans. For a moment I thought maybe Logans just didn't want us ugly lot in the bar.... but that wasn't the case the show was rightfully SOLD OUT and maximum capacity!
Some old grey hairs left and we where in half way through the Haulers set. I snaked through the crowded dance floor to see the Haulers in full throttle action. Holy Shit these guys just seem to get better every time i see them. I saw them some 5-10 years ago at Urge and back then they must have been burning regular gas because they kind of just stood there not really moving while they played their rock. Now they have built a high performance, goose bump raising, drag rock machine that after every song leaves you waiting for the next green light and the next song to leave the line. These guys kick ass and it's refreshing to hear such powerful rock-n-roll! This band is defiantly burning nitrous in their engine and man oh man they might not be racing in these little nightclubs for long! They are just gonna need a bigger track! Move over Kenny Bernstien here comes the Rod Iron Haulers!
The next up to the lights were the Switchblade Valentines. Again this band blew me away. The town of Victoria has been starving for an act like this and the Valentines slap out a rock-a-psyco-a-croonin-a-billy that brings the girls swooning to the front of the stage.... i haven't seen that many beautiful girls on the dance floor since..... never! Yes girls, but every odd song would incite a man or two to start shaking his leg and begin crashing around to the sheer twanging speed of the music. I hope we will be seeing more shows and with the right tour van they will be leaving their music across this country to nothing but rave reviews! They will be big so you better get there early because the shows just might be SOLD OUT. Just like this show!
Sorry to Slim Sandy.... I was standing outside while you where inside, i got nothing on ya.
-ricky jak
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